
Ai Automated Vehicle
Identification System

This technology enhances traffic management, security, and toll collection by automating vehicle identification with high precision, reducing human intervention, and supporting efficient, data-driven decision-making in transportation systems.

Corporate customers with prepaid fuel accounts, such as taxi or truck companies, must identify their corporate vehicles before fueling.

Identifying the driver alone poses a risk of cheating, as they could use the fuel for personal vehicles or sell it, causing losses for the company.

Ensuring fleet customers only fill prepaid fuel into their corporate vehicles prevents fuel theft.

Verification of the correct fuel type is crucial to avoid engine damage and costly repairs.

Implementing stringent vehicle identification and fuel type verification procedures is essential for cost control and fleet management efficiency.

Automated Vehicle Identification System (AVI)

Forecourt controller for automation of petrol stations. It allows us to work with different brands of vehicle identification systems (AVI systems), automatically identifying the vehicle once the pump nozzle is inserted inside the vehicle’s tank. These systems are used for 3 main purposes:

  1. Automatically identify the vehicle without interaction with the driver
  1. Automatically check the account linked to the vehicle (remains of balance, personal loyalty program or discounter, etc.)
  1. Prevent fuel thefts (filling will not start to a different vehicle and the possibility of cheating during the fueling process is eliminated)

